Rent in Cuba

Rent room
Looking to rent a house, an apartment or a room in Cuba? We have a wide choice of houses throughout Cuba for all options, including single apartments, complete houses or houses with swimming pool, some configured for long term stays, others for a few days vacation.
In Cuba, house rent prices are almost always the same, although there are very expensive rents and cheaper rents depending on the area and the conditions. But in spite of that, it may also happen that two private houses of very different categories have the same price and that is due in part to the custom of many years and partly to taxes, which are fixed and do not depend on quality Of the house.
Private houses usually charge for rooms and daily, but when it comes to long stays they charge monthly and the monthly prices do not correspond with the newspapers. There are private houses that do not rent for a long time because they already have a fixed clientele or because they have a lot of traffic and earn more renting for days.
The private houses that offer rent of rooms or the whole house are identified with a logo equal to the one of the image. Reject illegal houses as it can be scammed.

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